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Tomato ‘Rutgers’
- Graet for Cooking,
- Full Sunlight,
- Ripens from Inside Out,
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Tomato ‘Rutgers’
- Graet for Cooking,
- Full Sunlight,
- Ripens from Inside Out,
Purchase 6+, save 10%
Purchase 12+, save 15%
Purchase 24+, save 20%
Rutgers’ a long ago favorite was produced in 1934, since then no one can match its flavor for slicing, canning and cooking. ‘Rutgers’ ripens from the inside out providing bright red fruit up to 7 ounces in size. We recommend staking or caging your plant for the best quality and yield of fruit. Tomatoes require a full sun location that receives ample amounts of water. Tomatoes can be harvested once they start to turn color, they will continue to ripen even after they are picked. The longer they can stay on the vine, the tastier they will be. ?Rutgers? Heirloom Tomatoes can be stored on the counter in indirect sunlight for up to 3 days. To slow the ripening process down tomatoes can be refrigerated but may lose some of their flavor. This variety is great for slicing, grilling, stewed and can also be canned, frozen, or dried.
Common Name: Tomato – Heirloom
Plant Type: Edible
Edible Type: Vegetable
Tomato Type: Heirloom Tomato
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