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- Heat Tolerant,
- Eye-catching Color,
- Deer Resistant
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Some plants rise above the rest with their extraordinarily brilliant blooms and foliage that are so distinctive that you can instantly identify them from a distance. We call them 55mph varieties – plants that turn heads even when you’re speeding past them down the highway. They make great flowers for front yards. If flashy flower
Plant breeders work every day to refine the plants we love to grow in our gardens. They are passionate about developing new varieties that offer desirable traits like greater disease resistance, a longer bloom time, and that are easier to grow. If you gave up planting something years ago because it had an undesirable trait,
The beauty of gardening in containers is that it can be done anywhere. Since you control the soil and water, plus you can decide what amount of sun to set the planter in, you know your plants will thrive. Sometimes, we just need to see ideas to inspire us on how to select coordinating colors
My niece loves to garden, and I am so happy to see her passing along that passion to her young children. But with four under the age of 8, tasks like fertilizing and deadheading realistically just aren’t going to get done. She needs beautiful flowers that require very little from her to fill her porch
Color, color, color is what it’s all about come springtime! Here are ten new vibrant annual plants that are sure to cure the wintertime blues—all available now for pre-order here. (Are you as excited as we are about Supertunia Vista® Bubblegum’s new sister?) #1 – Superbells® Blackcurrant Punch™ Calibrachoa For major WOW! power, try this
Come see what’s new this year as we describe our top 15 favorite new varieties of annuals, perennials and shrubs for the new season. We’ll share our experience in trialing these plants and describe exactly why we loved them. When shopping for new plants this season, this is the place to start.