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Search Results for: pinpoint

Tall, Narrow Plants for Tight Spaces in the Landscape
Many of us have that one “problem” bed – the one that seems too narrow to plant in but where you desperately need to be able to grow something green. Maybe it’s the skinny bed along your fence line or sandwiched between your garage and front door. Maybe you have a shallow lot but really

Designing Four Season Porch Pots
One easy yet impactful thing you can do to boost your home’s curb appeal is add matching porch pots to flank your front door. Take a drive through a nice neighborhood this weekend and see how others are doing it near you. There’s something about having beautiful flowers on the porch that makes a home

7 of Our Best Evergreen Shrubs for Privacy Hedges
Photo Courtesy of Spring Meadow If you are looking for a hedge that stays green all year, or one that will afford you a greater degree of privacy year-round, you’ve come to the right place. We’re sharing seven of our best evergreen shrubs for creating privacy hedges in your landscape here. With a mix of

10 Best New Shrubs This Year
We love shrubs! We love growing them in our greenhouses, we love offering unique varieties to our customers, and we love them in our own home landscape. We get as excited as you to see what’s new, and this year’s batch of new shrubs from Proven Winners® ColorChoice® contains some trulyextraordinary plants. Here are ten

How to Choose Container Companions
Petunias, impatiens and coleus…OH MY! All that color is a feast for our eyes after a long, grey winter and we are thrilled to be able to grow plants once again. For some people, their appetite for plants is a tad bit bigger than their budget. Let’s walk through ten sensible tips to help you

What Should I Plant with My Hydrangeas?
As pretty as they are all on their own, you can enhance the beauty of your hydrangeas by pairing them with complementary plants that accentuate their best traits. Companion plants can also bring color and texture to the space when your hydrangeas aren’t in bloom. Let’s take a look at all six types of hydrangea
Controlling Garden Diseases
Controlling Garden Diseases Garden Diseases: In the landscape, diseases can wreck havoc on ornamental plants on occasion. Plant diseases are most commonly associated with cultural disorders, fungal pathogens, bacterial organisms, or plant viruses. Cultural disorders are the result of a variety of conditions such as nutrient deficiencies, poor soil drainage, under- or over fertilization, and