Garden Blog

What’s So Super About Supertunias

Look no Further Than Supertunia®


You may be asking what is so super about Supertunias®? Why does Garden Crossings make such a big deal out of them? We really do think they are super and we stand behind that statement by planting hundreds of them in our very own landscape, both at the Garden Center/Greenhouse and at our home, every year!
What is a Supertunia®? A Supertunia® is a petunia that has been breed and tested for excellence in performance, flower power, and overall habit by the folks at Proven Winners®. Petunia Supertunia® is marketed by Proven Winners® and has been proven to perform well all over the county. These plants are an excellent choice for use in ground plantings, hanging baskets and in combination planters. Supertunias® have a trailing habit with the exception of the Vista® series, theirs is a mounding habit.

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Hope for A New Season

The Lupine Story

LupineOn days when I am working in the retail garden center at Garden Crossings, I will often get asked “What is your favorite perennial?”. To that my response is “Every week something different is flowering so it is hard to choose a favorite.’ But with that being said I do have one that reminds me of hope for each new season.

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Look Up, Not Down…Taking Garden Color to New Heights

Clematis Flowering Vines

Clematis CareDo you ever find yourself saying “I love my garden, but I feel like I could do so much more? All the color is at the ground level, I need more height. But, I don’t want a big shrub or something that will take up so much room…” I know I have areas in my garden where this is my thought exactly, I want height but not width. Well let me introduce to you Clematis, Flowering vines. Clematis is an upright growing vine that can reach anywhere from 3 foot upwards to 20 plus foot and like to climb fences, trellis, ladders, and arbors. Give Clematis a fence and it may spread to around 5 foot, give it a trellis or arbor and the spread will be just as wide as you accent.

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A Hardy Hydrangea for Every Size Garden

From Big (8′) to small (3′) we have them all

Hardy HydrangeaSo you love the look of the large, white, cone shaped paniculata Hydrangeas, but are thinking…I don’t have the space to grow that large of a shrub. I am here to tell you that you now have options! When you think of Hardy paniculata Hydrangeas the one that comes to mind in most cases is Hydrangea ‘Limelight’. ‘Limelight’ is a beautiful flowering shrub but does get upwards of 8 foot which may not work in every garden.

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The Mysteries and Marvel at Midnight

Great Foliage in Full Sun

Midnight Marvel HibiscusThe dark evening sky, the mysterious happenings in the night, all of these things set you up for a touch of fear. Right? Well maybe not but it got your attention anyway. Today’s featured plant is ‘Midnight Marvel‘ Hibiscus. ‘Midnight Marvel’ is a new plant introduction for 2013. It is a cross between to other great Hardy hibiscus plants, those plants are ‘Summer Storm‘, known for its dark foliage and also ‘Cranberry Crush‘ known for its deep, rich, red flowers.
So if someone was to ask me ” What is the best thing about this plant?” This is what I would have to say. “There are several ‘best’ things!” What really stands out as the most intriguing feature of ‘Midnight Marvel‘ is the deep dark purple, almost black, foliage. Then when you pair the huge cranberry blooms with that dark foliage the contrast is Striking! Not only are you getting beautiful blooms color in your garden, you can also enjoy the dark foliage color. Planted in full, the foliage will be the darkest in color. Another thing to point out is, that this Hardy Hibiscus is what is known as “indeterminate”. Indeterminate is a feature you should look for when deciding on what hibiscus variety you are going to choose. Indeterminate means that this plant is going to send blooms all the way up the stem. Which means for you, MORE blooms to enjoy!

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Garden Crossings Welcomes P. Allen Smith

P Allen Smith Visits Garden CrossingsZeeland, MI—Meet national gardening expert and author P. Allen Smith during the Garden Crossings 7th Annual Grand Opening weekend April 13-14. Garden Crossings, a retail and mail-order nursery in Zeeland, Michigan specializing in Proven Winners® annuals and shrubs, welcomes customers for a weekend of fun, friends, and the kickoff of spring 2012 gardening. During the Friday meet and greet with P. Allen, local radio station JQ99 will broadcast live from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Garden Crossings will provide snacks, discounts, and to sign up for JQ99 Cash Cow Drawing. Customers are invited back on Saturday to browse among designed and planted containers and see what’s new for 2012.

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New 2012 Spring Collection of Perennial Plants

Cherry Star SuperbellsOnline PR News – 06-March-2012 –Online and retail garden center Garden Crossings introduces its spring 2012 collection of newly developed perennial plants. Garden Crossings’ new selections include diverse plant varieties such as Achilleas (Yarrows), Agastaches (Hyssops), Buddleias (Butterfly Bushes), Osteospermum (African Daisy) and more.

Garden Crossings offers more than 1,100 different plant varieties. This spring, Garden Crossings is adding new plant species to their extensive inventory. The 2012 spring collection’s perennial plants have distinct characteristics and unique coloring for all types of landscapes and gardens. Garden enthusiasts can select from an array of options such as hosta plants, coneflower Echinaceas and perennials defined by distinctive foliage and flower blossoms.

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Garden Crossings Saves Gardeners Money And Time

Garden Crossings Helps You Plan, Plant & EnjoyZEELAND, Mich., April 25, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — More than ever before, homeowners turn to their gardens for relaxation and rejuvenation. Whether the garden is a spacious yard or a pocket-sized deck, these green spaces provide places to play, eat, rest and reflect. Unfortunately, most homeowners spend more time planning an evening out than their home oasis.

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Midwest Garden Center Stops Traffic

Car Stopping Color

What do one of the most recognizable names in plants and fast cars have in common? More business for Garden Crossings of Zeeland, Michigan.

Rod Grasman took advantage of a summer contest sponsored by Proven Winners®, one of the most recognized names in the gardening world. The contest, “Store-Within-A-Store”, challenged garden centers to use Proven Winners® brand plant material creatively and effectively. Garden Crossings was one of three talented garden centers that won one of the coveted national-level $1,000 prizes.

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